The Rose & Berg taxi service extends from (short) domestic rides including: airports, train stations, business meetings, personal errands, family celebrations and any other kind of events - to long distance inter-European journeys and holiday travelling. Are you travelling with children? We provide you with an infant car-seat for no additional costs.
Rose & Berg will drive you to any European airport. Popular airport destinations among our regular customers are: Brussels Airport (Zaventem), Charleroi Airport, Deurne (Antwerp International Airport), Amsterdam airport (Schiphol) and Eindhoven Airport.
We always keep track of your flight schedule (for flights longer than two hours) so that you don’t have to pay any additional costs if your flight would be delayed. Similarly, you won’t have to wait for us if you arrive ahead of time.
For regular inquiries and questions related to bookings, please call the Rose & Berg reservations office: +3238082600
If you have an urgent question, then please call our mobile number: +32486.334.824
You can also contact us by email:
Our office address:
Jacob Jordaensstraat 35
2018 Antwerpen
Jacob Jordaensstraat 35
2018 Antwerpen